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Selling ORIGINAL OWNER END GAME! 740 GS PC-EU web account lvl 66 + High LifeSkill

  • corvette

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    Small introduction: The account I' m selling is 6 or 7 years old,I'm the original owner, I've played really a lot on it and invested a lot of time, it has nearly everything
    the game has given in these years and I'm open to your screenshot requests and informations.
    - Never Grief , Karma Bomb or Use any Cheat Programme
    General Details:
    - 26 playable characters + 3 slots open (a lvl 66 + lvl 65 + lvl 64 , the others mostly 61-62)
    - 539 energy/ 422 Contribution Points
    - Been a Lifeskiller for like year and half doing all kind of Lifeskills .
    - 61 mixed artisans workers max lvl + many artisans Workers scrolls .
    - 6 Master farm Crops with all the workers assigned .
    - 2 Perm Horse Horn . + 5 Horns 15 days + 1 flute 30 days
    - 1 Tier 5 Pets ( Black Tiger ), 8 tier 4 Pets (including Hedgehog + Fox), 9 lower tier pets (including Tir 3 Garmoth HP ) ( Penguin for Fishing ) ( 5 Pets for Horse Training )
    - P2W Tent
    - 21 Storage Maids + 12 Market Maids + Maid Box
    - Lot of Inventory Expansion Coupon around 116 rdy to use . ( Main already 179 Slot , and life skiller 136 Slots )
    - Perfect T5 Fairy ( Continuous Care V + Miracolous Cheer V + Fairy Tear IV + Feathery Steps V )
    - Big FS = 223 - 206 - 203 - 125x2 - 100 , 15 Dark Hunger, and many 80~90 Failstacks + more Advice of Valks 40~70 in various storages and Characters
    - 10769 Family Fame, 8006 Combat Fame, 1782 Life Fame, 981 Special fame
    - 800+ Titles

    Characters Details:
    - 740+ GS, Main Lahn ( possibility to swap different accessories and Subweapons all maxed out) , u can switch weapons freely , since i have 9 Weapon Exchange Coupon for each type
    - Triple Pen Blackstar (Main + Awk + SubWeapon), Tri Labreska Helmet, Tri Fallen God Armor, Tri Dahn Gloves, Duo Ator's Shoes, Pen Vaha , Pen Tung Neck , Tet Debo Necklace, Tet Debo Earing, Tet Debo Belt, 2x Pen Narc Earring , Pen Tung Ring , Pen Crescent Ring (Free) , Pen Centaurs (PVP) ( All Cupped ) ( there is extra 2 Pen Red Coral Earing , but no cups ) ( not bad for pvp - same states as IV Dawns ) ( All Self Made Exept Centaurs Belt + 2 Red Coral )
    - Garmoth Heart on Awak Weapon + BS Subweapon + u can craft the cheap Heart from the Quest line since i have the 300 Nouver Scale ;
    - 2 New Kabua's Artifact;
    - Stats Adventure Books all Completed;
    - Infinite HP/MP Potions, Compass , and 1 Ring of the merchant piece ( Crypt );
    - All of the most wanted and Bis crystals in game including Girin Tears;
    - Enormous selection of Artifacts and Bis Lighstones in the game ( I have all the sets you can think of); ( mainly the 2 Strike )
    - Many La Orzeca's Outfits + 2 out fit box ( any class ) + 4 MoonFlower Outfit ( for crons )
    - Several Patrigio's Apparel Bags;
    - Lot of Scrolls EXP-Drop-Life-Agris Coins.
    - 2 Bikini/underwear Box .
    - 2 Glasses / Earing Box.
    - T10 Doom , T10 Pegasus', 1 T9 Any Horse + wind Krogdalo Set, Forest Path Wagon and 3 Horse Outfits ;
    - Lot of T6-T8 rdy to deliver when Horse Even come , for Flower of Oblivion .
    - Hunting Master Matchlock +10 and Hunting Marni Sniper Rifle +10;
    - A lot of weapons exchange coupons + other coupons for Breath, Strenght, Health + Mount skill change coupons, etc.;
    - All of the Most Important Grinding Nodes Capped to lvl 20;
    - Market Storage full of Accessories, Crystals and counting;
    -Literly Storages are full of Mats/items that worth + 200 Bil !!!
    - have 130 Bil Net Silver in warehouse !!
    and More...

    The Price request for this account I'm hardly selling you is 6500 $ , mostly cause you have an account ready for all the HighEnd PVE, PVP and almost LifeSkills situations
    so you just need to buy this Ferrari, sit on it and start to race, there's almost a bit to nothing to still maximize for what is left on this account. I deliberately decided to not
    add the consuming material ( scrolls, coins, tokens, Value Packs, etc.) cause while it's on selling advice, I'll keep playing it as I've always did, trying to tweak the little
    things it still needs.


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