Looking for an epic Overwatch 2nd account? This one’s packed with value! Featuring 13 golden weapons, over 200 skins, 2,000 Competitive Points (almost enough for a Jade), and the exclusive Porsche D.Va skin. Includes full Season 1 & Season 10 Battle Passes, Dr. Ziegler Mercy, and numerous OW1 League skins. Plus, you'll get 20 Mythic Prisms to personalize your heroes further. Don’t miss this account with rare collectibles and exclusives. Additional photos and details are available on Accfuse.com! Perfect for serious players and collectors.
additional photos and details on Tadeswp.com
13 Golden weapons.
200+ skins.
2k Competitive points (almost enough for a jade)
Porsche D.va skin, full bp season 1 and season 10
Many ow1 League skins
Dr Ziegler Mercy
20 Mythic Prisms
additional photos and details on Tadeswp.com
13 Golden weapons.
200+ skins.
2k Competitive points (almost enough for a jade)
Porsche D.va skin, full bp season 1 and season 10
Many ow1 League skins
Dr Ziegler Mercy
20 Mythic Prisms